Kukup can be reached from the city of Yogyakarta by driving for 5 hours. This beach is one of the popular beaches among a row of beach in this area. This beach has white sand spread widely so that adds to the beauty of the beach. This beach has waves are quite calm and has underwater beauty that can be enjoyed approximately 100 m from the beach.
This shallow area in restricted with mounds of coral reefs at the beach end for protecting the beach from large surf waves. Shallow beach area Kukup contains coral reefs, starfish and a wide variety of unique ornamental fish and various other marine organisms can clearly views from the top.
In the east of this Kukup beach there is a coral island called Pulau Jumino. Between Kukup Beach and this island connected by a bridge which can be bypassed by tourists will see the island closer.
Jumino island has a view post purposely built for the tourists who want to enjoy the sea view from the top.
On the west coast cliffs there are many caves -gua stone is often used by tourists to take shelter from the hot sun. Some caves flooded with seawater that also contains other marine biota.
Location :
Kukup beach located in the village Kemadang, District Tanjungsari, Gunung kidul. About 1 km east beach attractions Baron or 25 km to the south of Yogyakarta Wonosari.
Ticket price :
Tickets beach tour package 8: Baron, Kukup, Throughout, Drini, Krakal, Sundak, Home Shawwal and Poktunggal Rp. 4000, -. (January 2014)
Facilities :
Fasiitas contained on this beach is quite complete and adequate consisting of the parking lot, supermarket, public lavatories, food stalls, lodging and places selling trinkets on the beach typical of this alluvium. There is also a merchant marine ornamental fish and corals traded along the coast.
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