Baron Beach is the first beach that can be visited before seeing other beaches such as beach Kukup, Krakal, Drini Beach and Sundak. Baron Beach is located in the village of Kemadang, District Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul. Baron Beach location 40 km from the city center. Tourist attraction Baron Beach is a beach that make up the basin. Like the other beaches, at Baron Beach is available a variety of marine fish and their processed products.
The uniqueness of Baron Beach is the presence of underground sunga fairly swift flowing toward the ocean. The underground river flows into the sea and form a river. Uniquely underground river that is at Baron Beach is to have a sense of fresh water despite being very close to the sea. Visitors who do not dare to play and swim in the sea can play and swim dialiran river water underground. Moreover, in view of the Baron is located on the hills around the coast. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the beach from the top of the hill.
Hills that flank this beach is a campsite which you can use to adventure and enjoy the natural atmosphere Baron at night. From the top of the hill you can see the ocean view from the top of the hill and the boats that lay neatly on the coast Baron. The hills in this area often used for hiking or trekking location. Climb this hill, you will be challenged to see the rise and fall of a steep path which consists of rocks.
Ticket price :
Tickets beach tour package 8: Baron, Kukup, Throughout, Drini, Krakal, Sundak, Home Shawwal and Pktunggal Rp. 4000, -. (January 2014)
Baron Beach has a relatively complete facilities that can support tourism in this area include: ample parking space, the restaurant offers a menu of processed sea, hotel or affordable lodging, camping ground which is located in the area around the beach and the area to the fishing grounds.
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