Jungwok Beach Yogyakarta

This Jungwok beach is located in the area of ??Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Precisely located in the village Jepitu, Subdistrict Girisubo, Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta. The location about one kilometer east Coast Wediombo.

This beach has three freshwater streams that flow directly to the beach. The fresh water rivers flow as if splitting into three parts beach. Atmosphere beach Jungwok very natural and quiet, looks like the beach itself. Beach concave shape and is surrounded by beautiful hills. You can play around water in this area. But remember, do not be too into the middle. In addition, there is a large rock in the middle of the sea. This rock known as rock hat or Watu cap. On top of this rock, surrounding residents or visitors usually do fishing.

A stretch of white sand beaches and blue water adds to the allure and exoticism of this beach. In addition, this beach also has wealth of marine life. On this beach you can see small fish stranded on the sidelines of sea coral. Lobster, algae and sea stars are also many in the coastal areas of this. Some visitors even normally camp in the coastal region.

Because Jungwok access is quite difficult, it is not a lot of public facilities that you can find. There is no parking space and restaurants. Even the houses did not exist. We recommend that you bring food and drinks alone. If you want to stay, you can camp / set up a tent in this coastal region.

Located about 70 km from the city center. Access to go to the beach Jungwok still fairly difficult. To go to this beach, you can use public transport or private vehicles.

Ticket costs
Admission to the beach area is already included admission to Wediombo Coast region, at $ 5,000 per person.

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