Enjoying Sunrise Most Active Volcano in Indonesia

Enjoying Sunrise Most Active Volcano in Indonesia. A visit to the foot of Mount Merapi Sadranan ritual coincides with age. For a few days the holding of the ritual of the base camp is closed so that the climbers are not allowed to transit but can directly make the climb. This is because base camp Barameru which is also the residence of Mbah Min provided to entertain the guests from the neighboring village. Sadranan tradition can not be separated from society slopes of Merapi; This ritual is held every year before the month of Ramadan to honor ancestors, as well as a means of binding the brotherhood.
Mount Merapi, which are in a straight line with Keraton Jogja and Indian Ocean holds an important position in the Java community. It is believed to be a cosmological trinity that has a close relationship with each other. Merapi as a flame, a symbol of the South Sea water, while the palace is penyeimbangnya. Tonight we set out to climb the fire element, Merapi.
We took the North side of the climbing lane, namely via Hamlet Plalangan, Jlatah Village, District Selo, Boyolali, Central Java. Plalangan is the last village when we will make the climb through the Selo. To get here we can take public transportation from Yogyakarta to Magelang; fell in Blabak then continue riding mini bus majors Selo. To reach Base Camp Barameru (Mbah Min) we must walk through the asphalt road uphill because there is no public transport through this village. If you want more easily we can rent a car to drive directly up to the base camp, the tariff is around Rp 800,000 to drop off and pick up of Jogja. Actually there are other lines such as pure-bred lines or Babadan. However, the route is relatively more difficult to track Selo become a favorite of the climbers until now. Meanwhile, the South path via the hamlet of Kaliadem already impassable after a large eruption in 2010 ago.
In the base camp we can rest and spend the night, there is no standard rate, deserve it. Visitors are subject to a tariff of Rp 35,000, already included three servings. Our ascent this time accompanied Gimar, a 22-year-old young father who is also the youngest son of champion Min. Daily Gimar are farmers and keepers climbing registration post. If there are climbers who need help, Gimar could be a porter or guide. If you need, say so on Mbah Min, then he will find her. Rates for porter range from Rp 125,000 to Rp 300,000 while the guide. Prepare enough water because we will not see spring during a trip to the top. Do not forget to bring a jacket if you do not want to freeze ambushed cool mountain air.
Merapi normal travel long climb up to the peak about 5-6 hours. The first four to five hours were spent passing through the base camp to the post 3 or Bubrah Market, then drive for about an hour from the Market Bubrah to the top. Departing early as plans for camping and look for the best spot to enjoy the sunrise. 19.30 we set off. The journey begins with asphalt climbs up New Selo, subsequently replaced by a footpath through the fields of tobacco and cabbage belonging to residents. After walking for about 1 hour, the welcome gate would be welcome. About an hour drive from the gate through the pine forest, we will arrive at the Post 1. From the Heading 1 heading Heading 2 takes about 1.5 hours with steep terrain that is draining. These Pos Pos 2 to 3 or Bubrah market is relatively easy though still filled with rocks. There was no lighting during the trip, so make sure headlamp in prime condition.
In the dark, it does not mean there is no scenery that can not be enjoyed. A peaceful atmosphere so pronounced; the faint sound of the gamelan Ketoprak event held residents, accompany every step up the rigors of the stone remnants of vomit crater. The wind did not want to miss the show, talk to you in order to participate trees voiced, further adds to the magical air Merapi. When stopped for a moment to unwind, visible under a cloud of thousands of lights like fireflies kingdom. Try looking up to the top, millions of stars filled the sky leaden, like a sprinkling of fairy dust sparkling.
Not feel we were almost at the Market Bubrah, but we deliberately did not immediately come to him. We decided to set up a tent behind a big rock for the sake of shelter from the wind that night. From place to hold this tent, we have a view of handsome taste can be satisfied before enjoyed. As if in another world when seen thousands of feet under the city lights, while the occupants looked up the Milky Way looks clear.
When the sun comes the next morning, everything changed. Sparkling stars replaced the golden light appeared from behind Lawu on the East side, making the land we walk on like tapestry embroidered with gold thread from Persia. Merbabu quietly sitting on the North side, while the three brothers of Mount Slamet, cleft, and Sindoro still slightly covered with fog in the west like a complex of pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Merapi enjoy the atmosphere such as questioning the legendary ferocity, for a moment forget that the mountain is never claimed thousands of lives, bury civilization, expelling the Ancient Mataram Kingdom to the East Java.
Now is the time to continue the journey to the top, passing the Bubrah Market 8000 years ago is the crater of Merapi. These become full of sand and rock sole option, there is no other way. Sand and gravel is not strong enough to withstand ground, pull the legs to keep declining. Frozen magma from the last eruption is still too unstable to be extra careful choosing the right stone, forcing us to crawl to move forward step by step. After about 1 hour, the smell of sulfur up to our noses. Standing on the lip of the crater of the most active volcano in the country is certainly an experience not forgotten, 2914 meters high above sea level. The view from here is no less spectacular, so the trip was full of struggle seemed without trace, lost somewhere swallowed whom. We are already at the peak of Merapi.
The peak of Merapi is also a favorite spot of the climbers to enjoy the sunrise. However, where a narrow and steep hunters complicate the picture to be able to move around looking for the best angle, let alone to put a tripod. Before daylight came, we immediately dropped. The return journey to base camp takes about 4 hours. Sunlit, visible area residents on the slopes. This region is a fertile area thanks to the volcanic ash that is routinely excluded crater of Merapi. Indeed Merapi never angry; he just balance themselves, sharing what they have to the surrounding nature.

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